Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Am I just a character? Learning through film

On Friday during STAC the process came full circle as we split Into teams to shoot a film. Initially I thought this would be exciting but would soon learn of the stress that came with it. In the planning stages, our movie seemed to look interesting, that is, until day 2 when the story was changed entirely. I felt that I was overshadowed and unallowed to have input within my group. We were less of a group and more of a powerstruggle that should have never happened. I here figured to just go along. When I feel strongly about something I can usually take charge but it was just a fun movie project right? Not when during filming I felt like none of my ideas were used. I was cast for about 4 seconds of film in a movie that was changed in title and theme without my vote or consent and basically felt like shit. I was ordered around and I was told that my input was not needed. They were going to do this here and if I had a suggested tweak it was outright annoyed.

What really bothered me was the level of attempted deciet in our project. There was talk of retaking and deleteing scenes because it was all digital. Mistakes could be something that never happened and I practically had to scream to get the point across that we were supposed to screw up. It was the intention to make a fun interesting movie, not to make a blockbuster. I find myself being really intollerant of people who see these projects as a power struggle. That's not right. And even if it's a group who want all of the power, they need to listen to advice from their team mates. I wish I could have like this project and due to my previous statements and the situation I infact learned less about film and more about who I do not work well with.

Oh well, there's always next time

1 comment:

  1. Wow. We will have to discuss this further. Maybe we need to sit the entire group down and have a chat all together.
