Friday, September 18, 2009


Tonight was my first night at the Witch's Brew coffee house. This excursion with two of my closest friends has come to be a night of 'Wow, here's something I won't forget for a long time.'

On the way there we listened to 'Nightmare Revisited' the cover album of all of the music from the Nightmare Before Christmas. We pulled up listening to whatever song was by the Polyphonic Spree, parking about three houses down the side street that the brew was on. As we walked up I could already tell that I was going to like the place. It looked like something directly out of Nightmare. I could not believe my eyes. The place was a rickety old house with overused furniture as the furnishings. Right when I walked in I could smell incense which is great because i burn it in my room all of the time and oh it was like a pleasure to all senses. They were playing a lot of Radiohead first of all, second it smelled amazingly. It felt cozy and creepy, and I don't just mean the aura of the place. Visually it was something out of Tim Burton's fucked up head, and the taste, oh the taste.

We sat down and ordered, both of my friends had coffee, personally, I know it is not customary of a Coffee Shop, but I can't drink coffee or tea, I just hate the stuff, I had Hot Cocoa and a waffle. Yes I know, BLASPHEMY. "Psh, whateva whateva I do waht I waaaawnt." but when we had ordered one friend heads over to the other side of the shop and comes back with YAHTZEE!

Just as the game is getting into full swing we get our orders and oh my gawd, my how chocolate was really frothy and had a pentagram drawn onto the melted whipped cream layer on top. It was so pretty, so I ate my waffle first and took in the scenery. The waffle was sub-par, as it it was cold and hard, but there were colorful lights all over, draped over the mantles and mirrors and metalwork items that decorated the walls. My favorite though, was a bouquet of white roses pinned to a mirror upside down. Which just looked so beyond amazing.

When my waffle was done I didn't want to drink my Cocoa because of how pretty it was so I stared at it until one of my friends made me drink it. First though I had to scoop out the whipped cream because the stuff literally makes me feel sick to my stomach. which totally ruined the pentagram but was beyond worth it when I got a taste of the hot chocolate which redeemed the place for the waffle. It was creamy and chocolately and smooth and oh so wonderful.

Yahtzee went on splendidly as I got a score of 440 which to me was amazing. We asked for our check, left tip and headed out to gt real food, taco bell! Three tacos, two mountain dews, and an argument about destination later, we found ourselves running through Eisenhower park with sticks and acting like the most stupid teenagers you would have ever aspired to see, if your aspirations were to see stupid teens... not saying that those are bad aspirations, just saying you could have done better.

Two fences, eight exposed cheeks and four bad jokes later, and around ten o' five we get back into the car and head out, where one of my friends pops in Radiohead, of course. I look at the ceiling during a driving technoish song and watch the lights, damn that's trippy.

Now home I have realized what has just happened. I had an actual Teenaged night, oh, and I lost my Brewginity.